Self: Revolutionized Me! -- A Youth Summer Camp Special

Told you before that I am not worthy of being a youth leader. Though now, I think God pushes me to the outer layer of my comfort zone is for me to really understand that I can. And, I can.

Day 1 of the camp is such a busy & stressful day for me.
Registration-Groupings-IDs-Tables-Yell/Cheer/Skit. That's a lotta job. Moreover, what I really don't like doing is thinking what will my group present for the Camper's Night. The skit. Yell. Cheer. I really couldn't concentrate on my group yet --my group mostly composed of ages 13 and below kiddos, which I eventually called them my babies. So I let my assistant leaders take over the group first while I'm not yet ready.
Then, the last session --youth encounter night finally came. Praise and Worship really brought me back to the hunger that I have with my Savior. It's an unexplainable-positive-overwhelmingly-joyful feeling that I had encountered, when I sincerely prayed and ask for forgiveness from all my shortcomings and fear. Accept that I am not worthy but God gave me worth. Surrender. So that's what I realized I am not worthy but still He insists on pushing me to my boundaries --letting me be a role model, a leader. Asks Him to guide me through the camp and now I can testify to that.

Day 2, is my birthday! May 13, I am happy because I had let go of the heaviness in my heart the night before. So it came like a very light cloud on me. When it is our time to practice our cheer/yell/skit as a group, ideas come to me like a blink --so fast. Which me, myself am so surprised. I couldn't believe that all at the same time we have finished rehearsing our presentation, that just the before we don't have any future on having one. God's miracle. God's wisdom. That time also I had the chance to bond and get to know my group --or babies which I eventually called them as they're the youngest of the campers.
Camper's night came and I think we presented well with a unique concept I must say. Though, we don't got into the top 3 at least we got the chance to get to know each other, enjoy the presentation and have fun with each other's company.

Also, can't stop myself telling you this, I also have been surprised with a birthday cake and greetings from my fellow campers and leaders --I will post the photos & details of my surprised birthday celebration soon.

I got to enjoy being with kids this time. Got my patience learn that it is flexible.
Its just not I don't want to be a leader but the burden of having those kids rely on you. Fear. That's what holds me back before.
Most of the times, you just need to take what life throws at you and realized God backs you up to teach you.
Take risks. Step out of your bed. Take that feet on unfamiliar path that God leads you to.
Put your trust in Him alone. God will change your mind, heart and spirit. And you might just be surprise with yourself that yes, you can.

                   These are my babies --TRIBE OF ISSACHAR (that's me on the right most)


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